First day of class, by the numbers

I have just gotten back from my first day as an actual, official university teacher! Whoa. A few highlights from my first day, the first of the seven sections of Sophomore English Major Oral English that I will teach:

Number of students: 31

Number of boys: 7

Average age: 19

Number of “fun facts” about themselves that I asked the students to share during introduction, after giving the example of “Tell us what your hobby is, or your favorite color”: 1

Number of fun facts that the students each shared, on average, despite pleas to make it snappy: 5

Number of minutes I had allotted to doing introductions in my lesson plan: 15-20

Number of minutes it actually took: 65

Number of students who, in their introductions, told me I was graceful, lovely, or beautiful: 5

Number of students who began their introduction, “Dear Marissa”: 5

Number of students whose introductions included describing themselves as fat: 3
Size that I estimate these three “fat” girls would wear in US sizes: 2, 2, 4

Number of students whose introduction included an invitation for them to be my tour guide if/when I visit their hometown: 22

Number of students’ English names that are less names and more common nouns: 2—Ice, Silence

Anyway, it was a good day. For tomorrow, and my subsequent lessons, I’ll know to majorly modify the “introductions” part of the class. The students seem pleasant and interested enough, and I felt good about the situation. Six more to go this week! To celebrate, I’m going to attempt to make a grilled cheese sandwich with oil in a pan with this American cheese I bought during an epic Walmart trip yesterday. You’re jealous, I know.

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